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Advertising - United Arab emirates
Observation Symbols: (+positive/-negative/*rating)Press - Khaleej times
1. RAKBANK (Kt Solace) ++/ -/**
VS: Waste Bin
HD: Other banks trashing your business loan application?
BC: Bring it to RAKfinance for easier bsiness loans
• Collateral-free • High loan amounts • minimum formalities* • Loans up to 5 years • Attractive rates
Apply and win Business Rent
Just SMS your ame and your business's name to 7011 and you could win your business rent for one year*
Call 04-2130000
BL: RAKBANK - Simply better.
++ Interesting visual
_ Even though its aesthetic point of view that the papers are chopped nicely, would look nice as a visual.. but the attitude mentioned in the headline doesnt go with that.
** Straight forward. Clear. bang on communication.

2. Al maya Supermarket (KT FPg-10) /+/-/*
VS: Chilly like cracker
HD: Have a blast this Diwali
BC: We wihs al our patron a very happy Diwali and invite you to celebrate the festival of lights with the best freshness, choice and value.
BL -nil
+ Larger than life.. you wont miss it.
- Basic concept
* Cracker doesnt leave anything afterwards...

3. VLCC: hmmm...I dont wanna loose (my time)

4. Floridas Natural (KT QPg-22) /+/-/*
HD: Persian Orange. Blood Orange. Valencia Orange. Naval Oraange. Madarin Orange.
BC: Orange Varieties
Not-from-concentrate juices have that fight-from-the-grove, fresh-squeezed taste. And, just like fresh-squeezed juice, there's no water, sugar, or preservatives added, only 100 percent Forida pure premium quality pasterized orange juice. One sip, and you'll taste the difference it makes.
BL: nil
+ Attention value is there
_ Nothing much to offer. Body copy is too much hyphenated, makes it funny.
* Creative juice... date expired!

5. Istithmar World 9KT Fpg- Business Section 63) /++++//***
VS: Heron of Alexandria-egyptian Engineer and inventor of the Steam Engine
Heron of Alexandria was an engineer whose extensive inquruiry and research in the field of mechanics led him to invent the world's first stem engine. Two millennia later, modern steam engines would power the industrial Revolution and make modern life possible.
HD: Throughout history, inquiry has changed the world. Now, it is chaning the world of investment.
BC: At Istithmar World, we're inspired by heron's dedication to inquiry. Which is why we subject all our investment ideas to the most rigorous inquiry. We check the idea's performance and compare it to that of its competitors. We even enlist external experts to evaluate our potential investments. Because we believe that only in-depth inquiry can give us the confidence to promise our investors the best returns on their investments.
Our 'I' investment PhilosophyTM is based around three principles: ideas, Inquiry and Integrity.
BL:Istithmar World - A Dubai World compnay.
++++ Different concept to tag along the brand perception. Brilliant photography, especially the warm and subtle lighting give the mood. Frame composition is superb.. well balanced. Visual is a puller.
- clutter braker.. so not bothered.
**** Credit goes to the entire team.

6. Mazda (KT HPg-20)
Hd: Mazda3. Winners share a common DNA. The 'Zoom-Zoom' spirit.
BC: Success breeds success. Which is why, common to winners like you and the mazda3 is the 'zoom-zoom' spirit. Uncompromising, unfaltering. Step behid its wheels and exhilarate your senses with its improves acceleration. Unwind in the comfort of its spacious interior. Reveal in its appealing sporty design. Go, win the world!
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