06december2008saturday (eyes.... ON)
05december2008friday (eyes...ON)
Details will be posted soon...
Shaji Kizhakathra
Press (Courtesy: Khaleej Times)
Master of the message -By Pratibha Umashankar (COVERSTORY)
Today you are no one if you are not propped up by PR. And Mark Penn is as big as they come. He counts Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Bill Gates among his clients. Weekend cornered him for a chat when he was in Dubai recently. (To Read the complete story in Khaleetimes, click here shajizone )
Article: Steamy Side-up (Sasi Taroor - KT Weekend Mag)
Exuberant, exciting, gaudy and gritty, Slumdog Millionaire brings contemporary Mumbai to life transforming ugliness and poverty into an art form.
Excerpts: " I saw the film in New York with an audience made up largely of Indian expatriates. In the enthusiastic discussion that followed, only one person reacted negatively, saying that the film seemed to show all Indians as conniving, unprincipled and ruthless, and that the only compassionate people in the film were a pair of white tourists who give Jamal some money"...
"In particular, novels can afford to digress in ways that the attention span of movie audiences cannot accept: a film requires one clear over-arching narrative, fewer characters to keep straight, and a common thread from beginning to end..."
(To read Original article in Khaleej Times click here
Advertising - United arab Emirates (Courtesy Khaleej Times)

1. burjuman Campaign-Ad2 (KT weekend mag - pg11) /+/ - /**
VS: Retro
HD: Here I Come Burjuman
BC: Head straight for te finest in shopping indulgence. Over 300 elite names reside in absolute luxury to truly spoil you for choice. along with chic dining and stylish pampering, enjoy the serene elegane of it all.
BL: nil
+ Good retouching.. gives that intentional retro 'recreation'.
_ It gives a chocolate ad feel... but creative is not chocolate. also for a brand like burjuman..
** Good ad but no positioning all.

2. Globalpharma - glovit CAL (T Weekend Pg37) /+/ - /*
VS: Exercising women
HD: Rediscover Healthy Bones
BC: Calcium and Vitamin D are essential for healthy and strong bones.
Glovit - CAL is comprehensinve supplement af Calcum, Vitamin D and other Minerals taht helps to maintain healthy bones in all age groups.
Please consult your doctor before taing this medicine. We Encourage Good Fod habits.
BL: Globalpharma - Healthcare empowered by quality.
+ layout is nice.
- Why the whole campaign is dark looing visuals.. even the first ad dark(pls see my earlier post)
- Three different stoc images for the people, two different stock images for the background.. all to rediscover the Glow.
* Execution is bad,



04december2008thursday (eyes... ON)
Details will be posted soon..
Shaji Kizhakathra