Eyes were on the clock at 730
GulfNews daily...
1. " Indians have done a great job" by KR Nayar
This news came in the sport page(47) where the cricket takes the lions part nowadays.. perhaps that could be the hilarious side of it. It goes like this...
Georgetown, Guana: A curious volunter at the gare wanted to kwno if U was an indian. When I said yes, he profusedl thanked me for having helped build such a lovely stadium here..." Its a beautiful stadium. Then Indians have done a great job" he said,....
2. Last friday we mentioned about the survey focusing on Advertising content.. The recent controversy surrounded a perverted sexual ad by an internationl fashion house brought to the fore, once again., the question how far can you take the ware of publicity? There are no ready answers, but as the edges of morality get blurred further, the majority of our readers feel that there is a greater tolererance towards sexual display in the media. However, this doesnot necessarityl reflect the attitude of society. THese ads are created partly because of the popular notion that sexualisation sells..
(Q) Most advertising these days break moral codes
+ve The moral codes were broken years ago in advertisig, nowadays they do it more ften.. I fel it could be due to western influence such as the movies.. Such advertisinemtn are worrisome because children get easily incluence by these and at times they either are inspired to do the same, be it the actions or the manner of dress- everything gets affected.
+ve .. such ads also appeal to tenages, which is naother reason why we see more of them
+ ve ... true......but I don't think it will have any effect on educated people.
_ve .. no I think it is fine...dont' watch TV..
(Q) The sexual content is a reflection of today's social mores.
+ve ..to some extent. We see this ads becasue 'sex' sells and that is what society is moving towards..
+ve... nowadays society is more open to such ideas and such ads no longer have any shock value for he views... it only shows that society has become a lot more tolerant.
_ve ... I don't agree, that is definitly not the case in the UAE. This could be the case of other countries, it could refkect the social trend and thi nk the media is largely responsible for it.
(Q) Advertisers only care about winning the publicity war.
+ve .. I guess so. These days even we the consumers don't look so much at the product as much as we look for thwa't the offer and wheter it is worth buying. I think all ads look the same these days therefore the way i look at it is if it beefits me in anyway.
+ve.. brands have have a big role to play here.. egs: when you look at the cola wars, it is not the ad per se that is very differnt, as is the case with brad ambassadors, who make a differece.
_ve... they care about building their brands, not winning publicity..
(Q) Ads can be held culpable in acting as a trigger factor for sexual crimes
+ve.. yes..in some parts of the world.. they do get affected by it.. Some sort of censorship mihg help.
+ve .. yes.. these mediums tend to exaggerate things and therefore tempt viewers. I feel that to avoid such a scenario, where childrn are concerned, parents should control.
This controversial survey has not brought serious opinions off public... or may be it just because why the advertising field glitters in the modern world.. It's an indirect communication.. every one is being hypnotised with its magic... so rational thinking won't come into effect.

1. Gulf News .. Makes you think
Bodycopy: H5N1. Avian influeza. Bird flu. Whatever you call it, it's got the world on edge. Yet it's killed less than 200 people in 4 years while malaria killed 6 million. Makes you think doesn't it? But that's wat we're here for.
A nice double spread ad.. conceptually good

2. Harvey Nicolse... Gone Me(n)tal
Visual: Ambiguous yet attractive visual.. Gone metal (which changed to mental with a scratched letter) is very subtle. Beautiful ad.

3. Dove ad (Friday Magazine)
Headline: For skin so silky, it glows.
Body copy: Does your natural glow eed a helping hand? New Dove Silk glow is an innovative lotion that contain shimmering skin brighners which will help visibly enhance your natural glow. Where it comes from is your secret.
Let your BEAUTY shine.
awesome... that's the visual is all about, be it it's art direction, the photography etc.. The look will tell you about the product.. the softness, the colour, everything... The production team has acheived the soft effect..

4. Max
Spring by Max
This ad looks very artificial.. and plastic.