Gulfnews daily... Lebanese-colombian pop sensation Shakira to perform today... new classic models of Abayas and Shailas...
Etihad eyes Abu Dhai hotels and resorts..
2. An interview with DALYA TABARI (founder of COMPLETE PLUS infant milk)
Friday Magazine Pg-14 Business woman Plus
The famous writer Ralph Waldo once said, "Enthusiasim is the mother of efort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved"....
"...I won't call it vision. Rather, I'd call it drive. The inner drive to give 100% of myself in anything I'm involved in..... eager to do smthing productive in life, I started as an account executive in advertising...I realised that othe only way to understand the usiness was to move it its nerve cenre...London 1998...account director in 99 at Lucky srike worldwide, NY.... moulded her on 4Ps of marketing PRINCIPLE(the values that enabled me to the first see my goal in my mind, PASSION (the unquenchable desire to achieve my goal; PREPARATION (the will to know every last detail nd consider all possiblities, PERSEVERANCE (the determination to overcome limitations and never to abandon my dreams)..Dalya woman to Dalya entrepreneur...the birth of child changed everything in my life- my priorities, thoughts and attitudes.. One afternoon, wthen U was lost somewhere between exhaution and confusion, my father threw a casual question at me that chanced our fates forever " why don't you introduce mother friendly infant milk formula?" future plans.. "I trust my motherly instincts!"
3. Radiant fluidity: pg-18 weekend review. by neena gopal.
James Palazhi, crafts attakalari- arena of dance. It's a fusion of karalipayattu, the martial art of southern Indian state of Kerala, classical forms such as Bharathanatyam and Kathakali and yoga.

1. Jumeira, Madinat Jumeirah
changing wacky things to a nice visual, that's all about this creation. It looks like a nice background with the colour combination and arrangement..
Good art direction and photography

Good concept.. But as has already been mentioned in the above Alukkas ad, the branding positions could have been tackled carefully. Had they removed the big Lulu logo, spacious address panel, by keeping it reverse on the background itself, this would would have been a damn good creative...
eyes...OFF at 01.15
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