Reviewed ads that got repeated: Rivoli-Chirstian Bernard, Al Anwar-15, THEone-Pillow (18-19), Clinique-20, savana water-22, Lux-72, Medcare-119, HSBC(identity)-127, Sony Handycam(still and video)-131, Honda Accord-139, Direct-151, Gulfnews-makes you think-154
1. Harvey Nichols (Gulf News Back page)****
Hd: Commercial Break - Part SALE
**** Nice thought.. An old TV (or lifestyle) is attacked with a single footwear.
2. Today Friday magazine came with an Indian suppliment too.
3. Pure Gold (Friday mag pg38-39)**
HD: And this one goes to you
With this service award. We thank our customers, for they have given us reason to celebrate.
We are the ONLY JEWELLERY RETAIL CHAIN to be accoded this esteemed honour in 2007. And we assure you, our customers, of our continued best services because you've truly been the driving force behind our excellence. We'are also thankful to the Dubai Service Excellence Scheme committee fo tis accolade. It's a matter of great prestige of us, that the Department of Economic Develpment selected Pure Gold Jewellers for such recognition, among many other contenders. These laurels will certinly be a catalyst in helping raise the benchmark of service in the jewellery retail industry.
** Nice layout. Good typography.

5. Al Zahra (Friday mag pg-66)**
HD: Restore missing teeth
Copy: At Al Zahra, our dentists are noted for their expertise in aesthetic dentistry; invisible orthodontic treament for misaligned teeth;and needless to say, they deal with dental surgeries and implants under local or general anaesthesia. Futher, Al Zahra is a pioneer in certain dental treatments and world-renowned dentists cosult with us. Which means that whatever, you dental problem, we ca take care of it. So call for an appointment today-you'll smile more.
Baseline: The healing touch.
** Good concept..but wrongly placed.
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