UAE Ads just don't add up suvey says (7Days-Pg-15)
Consumer believe most advertising is devoid of creativity.
Advertising in the UAE lacks originality: that’s the harsh verdict of more than half the respondents in a consumer survey by YouGovSiraj.
The survey, which studied attitudes to advertising content and creativity, revealed for the first time the widening gap between what advertisers wanted to achieve and the real impact of advertising.
The survey reported that 68 per cent of UAE residents believed that the majority of advertising did not “make them feel good about the brand being advertised”. Fifty-five per cent said that they did not talk to their friends about the adverts they saw or heard. And a whopping 71 per cent said that less than a third of the advertising was actually relevant to them.
“Millions of dirhams are being wasted on advertising that could be improved if creative concepts were tested in advance. More time needs to be spent on understanding consumers and creating bolder messages that engage and relate to them,” Nassim Ghrayeb, chief executive officer of YouGovSiraj, a market research consultancy, said.
“We find that advertisers are not willing to experiment with their advertising. They prefer to play it safe and as a result, are failing to engage their audience.” More than a billion dollars is spent on advertising in the UAE, yet the survey suggests that most companies don’t spend their ad money wisely.
“The UAE’s advertising industry is thriving but this survey reveals the extent to which adverts in the UAE are failing to meet their objectives,” said Ghrayeb. The YouGovSiraj poll was carried out on 1,066 UAE residents between August 21-28.
Advertising - United Arab Emirates

1. Al Furjan (GN Newspaper Wrap)**
HD Where people connect everyday
** It doesnt look like a propery ad.

2. Hitachi (GN41 Fpg)***
HD: There's one for everyone.
Copy: With great Gitex offers from Hitachi.
*** Nice.. Simple.

3. Al Rostamani- (GN Hpg-5)**
Teaser -
HD: 4more more days to freedom.
**Nice Visual. its for a Vehicle ad for sure(They have given a clue- Arabian Automobiles.)

4.Gargash insurance (GN 20x3)*
Hd: Click...Pay and Get it delivered
Copy: No more traffic hurdles..parking woes!
At home, office or wherever you are, just long on to www.gargashinsurance.co, and get your motor insurance policies delivered to you free of cost.
For all your corporate & Persoanl Insurance
Baseline: Delivering Excellence
*The visual is confusing... it doesnt get even with the copy at all. Does it deliver a click or wink? In the copy part, headline breaks after 'and' looks bit odd; also there should have been three dots after 'hurdles'.

5. Globalpharma (GN HPg-16)****
Hd: We export hope. We also make medicines.
Copy: Our single-minded effort at Globalpharma - the pharmaceutical company in Dubai - is to spread hope through our medicines. Today, we reach people across 6 GCC, 5 Middle Ease, 6 African and 5 Asian markets. We are also greard up to enter the European and North American markets with over 60 reistered healthcare solutions.
Baseline: Healthcare empowered by quality.
**** Fantastic headline. single minded proposition-we export. not only hope but trust as well. body copy should have been bit smaller and stretchedmore towards the logo.

6. Peugeot207 (GN 40x6 Pg-22)**
HD: The new Peigeot 207. Comfort 207 It's written in mathematical terminology, comfort- to the power of 207)
Copy: The Peugeot 207 does not a compromise on comfort and syle. Apart from its stunning design, its sleek comtemporary interior means that this car is big luxury. Comfortable and generous, the 207 is designed around you , so you have genius freedom to move in your home away from home.
Baseline: Peugeot 207. The intense car.
** cent per cent.

Wild Wadi (Location: Across Dubai)***
Headline: Sorry Wild Wadi will be closed from 15 september -28th
***Nice. But retouching part in the middle has not done properly.. it should have been more realistic, with some bulging. Here they just cut that portion.
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