1. Book (Written by an ADman)
Thinking up a storm (GN Weekend Review Pg-21) - By Krishna Kumar Deputy WEb Editor
A Dubai based avertising professional demystifies creative thinking
Dubai, the city of innovation, has inspired a book on innovative thinking, Eightstorm: Eight step Brainstorming for innovative Magangers, by Dubai based Kishore Dharmarajan, introduces braistorming techniques which can improve creative thinking in business.
In today's hyper-competitive world, business need ideas to get ahead. And they need them fast. Eightstorm's creative thinking methods can provide new answers" ,says D ....while conventional brainstorming is a random activity of pinpongig ideas with one another, Eightstorm is the first book which gives method for it and a framework for idea generation.
Thought revolution: One of the biggest challenges facing business leaders today is the creation of a highly innovative workforce...ES puts forth a new way of thinking... MA lit, UGC, came back to Dubai..M&C Dubai, to try his hand at advertising..read various books on advtgh and mktg in order to bridgethe gap between academics and market practice....Creating copy was fun, ut after a couple of years it became boring-he says...Eureka advt..once the agency was runnin on its own steam, D turned to the ideas that comprise ES. it took a year and a half. (To see Gulf News article , please check http://www.gulfnews.com/ or http://www.shajizone-artstick.blogspot.com/ )

1. Al Zahra Hospital (Friday Mag Pg-52)***
HD: Unblock your heart
Copy: Cardiologists at Al Zahra treat various cardiovascular conditions. Among these is Coronary Artery Disease (heart attacks and angina), which implies a blockage in t eflow of blood to the heart. For a diagnosis, our eminent cardiologists have a range of inactive and non-invasive cardiac investigations at hand. And for acute cardiac care, they use the hospital's intensive Care Unit, where all facilities, inclusing primary angioplasty and tromobolytic therapy for myocardial infarction, are readily avaiable. Call for an appointment, today. You owe it to your life.
Base line: The healing touch.
*** The visual is of a zinc block. Nice creative. It's the second ad of the campaign. Again as has been said before... the ad is placed wrongly.. Attention value is very weak because of its grey tone, which has been the corporate ad colour of Al Zahra. Or, they could have placed this strop ad on the right page.

2. PAN Home Furnishings (GN Solace 20x3)****
HD: One Night Stand
Copy: For each side of your bed in Beech, Oak and Teak finishes. What were you thinking?
**** "One night stand" "for each side of your bed" what 'were' you thinking...? (Hands off to you my dear wordsmith. The copy is fabulous.. I was thinking those 'stands' will be guarded me from both the sides, while sleeping. And I sleep like a King. Personifying the wood. Like what Dharmarajan told us in the above book session, Dubai has become a city of innovative thinking.

3. Oystra Pearl jewellery/Pure Gold (Friday Mag Pg-28)**
HD: deep passion
Copy: From the depths of the Pacific Ocean, comes the inspiration for an exqusite line of pearl jewellery. Oystra. Never before have you had such a fine choice of rare pearls. Akoya. Freshwater. Tahitan.South Sea. Created with passion by Pure Gold Jewellers. http://www.puregold.com/
** Aqua colour. The treatment is very nice. "From the depth of the Pacific Ocean, inspiration comes (...as effervescence)". Don't you think that the headline is too big? And they have used three types of fonts.
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