1. Suzuki ALTO ( GN Hpg-26)***
HD: Now in U.A.E.
Copy: Economical, reliable & fuel efficient ALTO
Baseline: Way of life !
*** The headline says it all.. and they have succeeded! Its very clear that they are targeting asian expats, predominetly Indians where the model is doing extremely well among middle class, by virtue of its 'Economical, reliable and fuel efficient' features. 2. Arwa Water (GN Qpg-22) **
HD: 70% of our body is made up of water
Arwa- Bottled drinking water. Product from Coca Cola
Baseline - Vitality for life.
** Simle visual..Simple communication.. Branding on a hoarding (Recently Titan Watches had used roadside hoarding for branding in their Noctura Press Campaign).
3. Al Huzaifa Furniture (GN Qpg-5) ***
Hd: Shopportunity knocks at Al Huzaifa starting 5th july 2007. See what you get your hands on.
*** Simple thought..taking that forward with a Great execution. The visuals is of a lady who is trying to grab more than she could handle. The offer is so tempting that You just could not leave anything at the showroom...all with typography. And also fluorascent on a unmatched background gives a special colour feel. Innovation succeeded.
4. Dubai Goverment-Charity (GN QPg-8) *** *
Hd: Your Old Computer can give him a New life!
Copy: Dubai Muncipality renews your secondhand computer and donates it to people in need
Dubai Municipality is embarking on a program for revamping of computers and laptops. The initiative is for individuals. Institutions and the eneral public to generously donate secondhand, damaged or discarded compters to the center. The items, after the necessary repairs, will be donated to educational institutions, social and charity organisations. So be part of this great project.
Participating in this progrm is Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Est. Wholy resposible for dstribution of these devices to people in need, plus Microsoft for technical support
For more information, please contact 800900 or
**** The visual is of a boy sitting near a garbage bin, playing with mouse, with its code stuck on the wall, on an imagery computer drawn by him. Its very touching... heis curiosity..and wanna-be attitude despite his consraints.. Dubai Govt is taking great steps in charity in the modern world, which shows vision of a great country with its rich values and tradions-An eye opener for the rest of world...and of course, a good creative.
HD: With 90% of global trade moving by sea, our port expertise is at the heart of the world's growth.
Baseline: it's possible.
** Is it a view through a crane window? the vertical hanging lines give that feel. Great feel.
6. Moorfields-Eye Hospital Dubai (GN 40x6 Pg25) *
HD: In 1804 Moorfields Eye Hospital was founded in London, we've now opened our first hospital outside of the UK.
Copy: Sight is aruably our most preciosu sense, while at the same time eyes are incredibly sisnsitive and vulnerable. For over 200 years patients from all over the world have travelled great distances to benefit from Moorfields Eye Hospital's unrivalled reputation for ground-breaking research and treatments which have revolutionised eye health.
If you are suffering from any sight related problem cotact us today to arrange consultation with an experience ophthalmologist at our brand new, state-of-the-art hospital in Dubai Healthcare City.
* Nice imagery
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