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Photography: Top Shot (Feature by Carolina D'Souza- GulfNews Friday Magazine Pg. 30-31)**
Imagine trying to capture on film a scene on the ground when you are hovering in a helicopter maybe 7,000 feet above sea level.
You have lkittle contro over lighting, you needto take extra care about contrasts... No easy task, right?
Well, for an aerial phtographer, it's all in a day's work.
"Aerial photography is mostly used to document the progress of major projects, as well as for promotional and advertising purposes for rea estate developers, contractors, etc" says Frank De Luyck, Dubai baseds Belgian freelance photographer.
Aerial photography in most cuontries, including the UAE, required a permit from the local authorities.
In Dubai theres are issued by Dubai Studio City and are based on the locatio and an NOC from property owners...he says
Aerial photography or he art of takingphotos from an aeria platform such as an aircraft or a hot air balloon, doesn't enjoy high demand in the UAE.
De Luyck feels the high expense could be one reason. "Renting a helicopter is expensive. Then there are practival limitations: limited flight durations, ,adverse weather conditions, flight availabbility, and the speed ad vibrations of the aircraft itself.
Still, one couldmake use of photgraphic technologies with image stabilisers or vibration-controlled fast lenses to deal with the instability of the aircraft. " But sitting on the precipice or hanging out of an aircraft does need getting used to!" he says. For more information visit
Advertising- United Arab Emirates
1. Home centre- Campaign 2nd Ad (Gulf News Friday Magazine-Back cover inside)***
Headline: New homes delivered.
Visual: An Interior Shot of a living room fully furnished. In fact it's a mock living room showcased inside a delivery carton.
*** Simply great!
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