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Press - Khaleej times

VS: celebrity - Wael Kfoury
Hd: " the phone that touched my heart" Wael Kfoury
BC: features

VS: Fruit
HD: What is quality?
BC: A Waitrose, quality is not a separate range, it is how we do business. Real quality, we believe , is great tasting food that is prduced with consideration, sourced from trusted partners., It is this passion and commitment to quality that makes us different frtom any other supermarket. We care deeply about the quality of our range and the quality of service youexperience when you visit us.
Come and try Waitrose quality fr yourself. you will be very welcome.
Opening today at 2pm, dubai Mall, Lower Ground Level. Regular store timings: 8 am oto midnight.
BL: Waitrose - Everyone deserves quaity food.

VS: Lifestyle mix
HD: Everything you desire.
BC: Mall Opens 4th Movember at 2pm
Finally, everything you deserve. And want. And must have. Take a step inside the world's most unforgettable mall, waiting for you in the eart of Downtown Burj Dubai set against the world's largest gold souk and Olymopic sized icering along with hundredds of shops. Everything for everyone. The Dubai Mall.
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VS: Bar Code
HD: We've re-reprogrammed our barcode reader to give you a discount. Upto 60% Off
BC: Sale now on... at Dubai, Abu Dhbai and Al Ain Showroom only.
Review: Nice thought. The headline could have been precised -'to give you.. " part is extra fitting, not required.

VS: Thread Typography
HD: We draw the water that draws the people who draw together
BC: www.limiless.ae A Dubai World Company. A Global Master Developer.
REview: Nice. different.

HD: Given the credit crunch, Can I own a home in Dubai with no bank loan?
No Prblem!
Own a home for jus AED 9500 monthly.
Attractive Pricing!
Just what today's market demands!

VS: Lady opening the door
HD: Wherever you go, will your bank account get there Before you?
BC: With HSBC Prmier yo uwill be welcomed with opena arms wherever you go. We can arrange your mortgage, bank accoutns and credit cards before you arrive. you can enjoy the same privileges and high quality service you ar used to back at home with over 250 premier Centres across the world.
to find out about a service that helps you get more out of the world, call...
BL HSBC Premier - The woled's local bank.
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