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Press - Khaleej times
Cartoon Lead
Obaman. Patience. He's coming.
Review: O-ba(t)ma-n
EditorialHis heart was never really in it. By Yom Plate
" When the American economy all but collapsed in September, McCain realised that no republican could win, not even he.."
Advertising - UAE
1. Liberty Automobiles - Teaser-01 (KT HPg29) /+++/nil/***
VS: Desert bike.. bashing
HD: Guess which car would be on his mind.
BC: nil
BL: nil
+ Nice thought
+ Good frame composition
+ Simple. thought provoking
*** All together, keeps me waiting2. Citycentre (KT HPg-8) /+++/ - - /**
VS: A lady on the ladder.
Hd: make room for more fashion.
BC: 6th Novmber to 6th December.
you will need a bigger wardrobe after you visit Deira City Centre's 120 fashion sotes during our exciting promotion! Spend Dhs. 300 at any of our fashion outlets and get a chance to win shopping vouchers worth Dhs. 150,000. And for this season's latest trednds and must-haves, you can soon download the first-ever Deira City Centre fashionCatalogue at
BL: Citycentre-Where you can be you
For information, Call 04 295 4486
+ Ineresting thought, leaves a smile.
+Good execution. Frame
+ Good headline
- Reouching made it plastic..not upto the mark.
- It resmebles, rather falls in same style what Cenerpoint is doing now as a campaign, in terms of visual, typography
*** Apart from all that.. still I love it.
3. emirates NBD (KT HPg-18) /++/ - / **
VS: A Goalkeeper in position, but the post is trible the size.
HD: An opportunity like never before.
Hero global Football Fund
Presenting a one of its kind fund that is designed to capitalise on the world's most popular sport and a growing multi-billion dollar industry. Hero Global football fund is a 5 year close-ended fud that will focus on investment in young potential football players around the world and players who are sought by major clubs.
Key advantages:
• Access to a fast growing global football market.
• Portfolio diversification into an opportunity which is not correlated to hte finacial industry.
• guarnteed sharein over 30 potential football stars through Glenn hoddle Academy.
• Expertise of high-profile advisory board to limit risk and generate potentially higher returns.
for more details, or to schedule an appointment with your Priority Banking Acount Manager Call 800-suhail orvisit your nearest Suhail Branch.
+ Good visual.. TG oriented. Sraight to the Target audience, telling them to use this big goal opportunity... act now, or never.
+ For Bank , the ad should be explanatory, so the paragraph copy is inevitable.
- colour balance is not proper.. doesnt give the contrast or impact for the ad
** (advertising) Goal. Predicted.
4. This is an old ad, repeated today. We've reviewed this last year.
5. Istithmar World Campaign ad2 (KT FPg-47) /++/ - /**
VS: Hammurabi - Creator of the First Formalized Code of Laws
Hammurabi was a great Babylonian king who unified Mesopotamia. But hs is best known for the Code of hammuabi, the first formalized code of laws in recorded history. The Code of hammurabi represents a major step forward i the evolution of civilization.
HD: Integirty is just as improtant today as it was 3,800 years ago.
BC: At istithmar World, we're inspired by Hammurabi's passion for justice and integrity. which is why we hae set ourselves the highest ethical standards. in addition, we implement firm corporate governance procedures, regular management reporting requirements and audited financial statements to protect our investments. Because we belieev that acting with thhe utmost integrity is the only way to earn the trust of our ivestors.
our "I" Investment Philosphy(TM) is based around three priciples: Ideas, Inquiry and Integrity.
Ideas+Inquiry+Integrity = Investment.
A Dubai World Company
BL : nil
+ Credit to the research behind. This time law. And how its being transfomed into the brand.
+ Copy structure is good
- It's not as good as that of first one.
** Campaign concept is good.
6. Dubai Cares Camaign Ad-3 (KT HPg-32) /+++/ nil/***
VS: A small girl reading under the blanket, with the torch.
HD: Read in the morn, read at night, Read under the covers, with a tochlight.
BC: Dubai Cares produly nvetes parents in the UAE to encourage their school-agd children to join the challenge of reading 1,00,00 books in two weeks. For every book read, Dubai Cares will purchase a new book for children in need. For younger children, we'll even count the books that you, the parents read to them.
Are you ready for the challenge?
Dubai Cares
You can also sponsor a book for AED 10 fr children in need at or at participating bookstores throughout Dubai.
+++ Simple. Great. Vision.
*** Cute looking.
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