will be posted soon...
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Press - Khaleej times

When Media select ads to insert, I think they should ensure that the advertiser gets maximum benefit, in terms of visual impact and placement, all towards consumer proximity. Sometimes the message gets diluted or even spoiled when similar looking ads appear in the same page or prominent somewhere in the same newspaper.
Today, like yesterday there was a 4 Fpg-Campaign of gowealthy, (one ad, shown above). in KT, placed in alternate pages. There were two resembling Fpgs, in terms of look and feel-predominantly Red colour, were also there...Spring and Dune (See above). It could have been compromised if its a one-of-ad.. but I wish one advertiser who had given 4 page campaign should have got the privilege.
I think Media should be more aware of insertion since it results a mix up in readers' mind... for nothing.. but advertising reaches nowhere.
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