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Press - Khaleej times

Advertising - UAE

VS: Women Fly
HD: Invade! It won't cost you a bomb. The A Huzaifa SALE up to 50% off
BC: 30 Oct - 29 Nov. Beat the maruading hordes. Dwscent on our showrooms. Swoop down o the price pioks and make off with you booty. A 50% off, it's total plundre!
BL: nil
Review: A different concept. Positioned very high. Having said that, would the target audience watch this at low angle or high angle?

VS: A Woman gently blowing the letters
HD: A dream of luxury
BC: A passion for builing brands is our very essence.
Review: Nice.

VS: Alphabet book
BC: lep children with Dyslexia. Call the Children's Hop Fondation on +971 4 368 0221
BL: nil
+ Attractive. Every one would try to get it for a while
- the picture proportion is not write.. Letter and word are in same size.
- They could have taken, A for Apple, rather than pen.
* Not a great execution.. this happens when you have a great idea, but no time.

VS: A street boy, with food in hand, hide away from the police.
HD: Hide & Seek
BC: Out on the streets, the games are much harder. contribute to the Children's Hope Foundation. Call: + 9714 5111905/3445999
Issued in Public Interest by ajmal Real Estate.
Review: Nice.

Dubai Cares ( KT FPg-14) /++ / / **
VS: Kids reading in the car
HD: Read in the houss, read in the car, Read all you can, and be a star.
Million Book Challenge.
BC: Dubai Cares produly nvetes parents in the UAE to encourage their school-agd children to join the challenge of reading 1,00,00 books in two weeks. For every book read, Dubai Cares will purchase a new book for children in need. For younger children, we'll even count the books that you, the parents read to them.
Are you ready for the challenge?
Dubai Cares
You can also sponsor a book for AED 10 fr children in need at www.dubaicares.ae or at participating bookstores throughout Dubai.
+ I liked the headline.
+ I liked the vision behind than the visual given.
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