

Eyes were on the clock at 06:02


1. Harvey Nicols (GN Fpg) ****

HD: Calling Beautyholics

Copy: Expert advice and exclusive offers. It's time to fill your showers with the latest cosmetics, skincare and fragrances from the most famous luxury brands. Come, indulge.

**** Thematic representation..Good art direction and photography. The illustrator must have distorted her face to get that tempting look.. but has done extremly well.

2. Mc - i'm lovin' it

3. Al Kaheel REal Estate (G Hpg)*

HD: Not just a lifestyle, but a statement about what is valuable in life.

* O.......k

4. Dubai - tourism(GN Fpg)**

HD: From three hundred metres above to thirty below



29april2007sunday (eyes...ON)

Details will be posted soon...

a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh1nx_FKkWh5pYYDSIoDlp9siAyPLimlXg1o5Qa_Z9B5VGvUxQSVeCG6eQy74qzlej4uBpmzs_mKrPRM2sqkR-97dLXCDvYkAXGB3Nm9bVBMaj5_GhkuChm-8EBmv69Mur5VsVXmyJfc3A/s1600-h/SP_A0422.jpg">



Eyes were on the clock at 06.30

Details will be posted soon.



Eyes were on the clock at 07:30

details soon...

We discussed about this ad on 24th april, and we were right in terms of the placement of visuals and copy. It was an adaptation problem (Ref the post 24apr2007)

2. Coincidence.. just have a casual look to this open page..Isn't looking merged? the side curtain of the right side, is getting even wit the wall design on the left. also the perspective makes it clear.

(a) Left - Al Anwar Golden Jewellery ***

HD: Princess of REPOSE

Copy: She lounges amidst tete-a-tetes, while all around her the night passes noislessly, speechless, as it compares its own stars with the brilliance of the diamond and emerald ones she adorns herself with.

Al Anwar - Inspired brilliance.

*** Al Anwar had created an image of royal fantasy. Here it goes on..

b-Hitachi (we have already mentione this before)

3. Igloo (Friday Mag)****

HD: Bring home the fun

Igloo Ice Cream - Ice Cream fun for everyone.

**** A set created inside home... Cool ad.. feel like being there.

4. Babyshop (Friday Mag)***

HD: A 1 year old cannot tell which one is the toy.

Copy: Children don't see things the way we do. Which is why, we need to make sure they are kept safe from possible hazards, at home, ont he road and everywhere else. To know how you can keep your child safe from unforeseen dangers, remeber to pick up a child safety booklet on you next visit to Babyshop.

Child safety first.

*** It's the third ad of the campaign...Superb.

5. Panadol (Friday Magazine)*

HD: "If it works for me, imagine what it will do for you."

Panadol - It's my choice

*Its reminds of aToothbrush ad.. "Brush like a Dentist."




The eyes were on the clock at 06:02

The remaining details will be posted soon..

Spidey man exhausted (GN)

Director Sam Raimi is fatigued and wants to 'get away' - But do audiences feel the same way?

..Advance reviews are good, adcance ticket sales are strong and days before its debut, Spiderman 3 is grabbing headlines areound the world, but director Sam Raimi says he can't think of more Spidey movies..."I'm exhausted, ad I need to get away from it for a while," ...spidey maes it global debut on May 4 (May 2 in UAE)...

To combat sequel fatigue, Raimi said he infused Spider-man 3 with a "brand new energy" to create tension between the three main characters, Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire), his girl friend Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) and his best friend and sometimes adversary Harry Osborn (James Fanco)


1. Tanmiyat Group - The Group (GN Half page)****

HD: IT Solutions you'll feel not see

Copy: At the heights, we believe people are the business.

If we bring our advanced IT solutions to life, they would probably look like this. But, IT is a difference that can only be felt not seen. Out state of the art IT and communication help your business perform effieently to achiee high levels of success. The Court; by Tanmiyat Group in Dubai's Business Bay offers all kinds of services and facilites for your business to reach exceptional heights, so you can achieve your goals faster.

**** Good frame composition and photography...good thought really paid off.

2. Aquafina ( G+ magazine, also on outdoor mupies) *

* Easy to register

4. Globalpharma (GN qtr pg)*

HD: We prepare Health

W also make medicines.

Copy: Across the globe, where millions of people wish to stay fit, out singe-minded effort at Globalpharma - the first pharmaceutical company in Dubai - is to promote health through our medicines. Today, we reach people across 6 GCC, 5 middle East, 6 African and 5 Asian markets. We are also geared up to enter the European and North American markets. With over 60 registered healthcare solutions, we promote what people pray for - Health.

Global pharma - Healthcare empowered by quality.

* Nice Ad.

5. Al Rayan (GN Fpg)**


The confidence to excell

The wisdom to lead


Al Rayan investment company

Al Rayan investment Company recognizes the importance o long-term relationships and works hard at building partnerships and enterprise that endure. With a vision to take of the phenomenal expansion in the region, our investment services aim at securing and nurturing opportinities for growth in the region.

Whether it's investing in real estate develpents, management services or direct investments in industrial and private equity businesses, we instill the spirit of confidence in every investor and lead them to new levels of success.

Al Rayan- New levels of success.


Eyes were on the clock at 06:02

Arab Media Forum: (Gulf News)

1. UBL (United Bank Ltd.) ***

HD: With you, in achieving academic success.

Copy: UBL Personal Loans. Adding value to your life.

*** Nice thought.. but the visual could have been more distinctive. I don't know whether they have given a soft feel intentinally to get a dream feel..

2. Rivoli Textiles (GN half page)*

HD: ?

Copy: AbuDhabi-HAmadan Street

* It's hard to believe that, this ad was created for Rivoli.

3. Omniyat (GN FPG)**

HD: My apartment lights respong to my mood

Copy: iCustomization @ The Pad - the most technologically advanced building in the world.

Imagine technology in your aprtment that allows you to customze you surroundings to reflect your mood. iCutomization at The Pad will allow your apartment to respond to voice comands and incoming calls by changing both lifhts and music. You can also customize walls of the common corridors by displaying digitalized welcoe messages. You are an individual and with iCustomization your apartment acan mirror your taste and personality.

The Pad is the home of the future as conceived by Omniyat Properties to meet he lifestyle demands of today's young executive. iFeatres at The Pad will give you a lifestyle that;s most comfortable, convenient and futuristic. Technology at The Pad will save you time and worry. It will holistically cover all your needs from staying connected and in touch to being healthy and entertained.

You can enjoy this exciting new lifestyle in your studio, 1 or 2-bedroom apartment or loft at The Pad. Finance is available through HSBC Middle East Limited.

To live the future at the world's most advanced building or for more details, call omniyat..

Omniyat - Live the Future.

** The lady's anatomy.. Is she that tall? or smthing wrong with the perspective?

4. Sweet Homes (GN Halfpg)*

HD: Another milestone of Sweet Homes Real Estate

* This was like not because of the ad concept but the building.... unique.


(I don't know what it is written in Arabic... can anyone help me?)

2. Home Centre (Sheikh Zayed Road, Near 4th Interchange towards Abu Dhabi) ***

HD: Reach your beautyful home safely.

*** How to converge the awareness off Public and brand as well... Also, they are using 'yet another beautyful home' widely on delivery vans that run across UAE Everyday. The 'beautyful home' factor will hook everyone as he/she would love to hear and boast about one's own house... Nice.



Eyes were on the clock at 06:02

Details will be posted soon...


1. Three UAE tabloid stop publishing:

The news papers are Urdu Express, Arabiya and Emirates Evening Post


1. Muhammad honours young local and Arab entrepreneurs:

18 awards presented for excellence in leadership qualities.... The Entrepreneur of the Year Award was given to Mohammad Saeed Harib, creator of the UAE's first cartoon show 'Freej'.

Shaikh Hamadan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum said " Since its inception in 2002, the Mohammad Bin Rashid Establishment for Young Business Leaders has successfully launched a series of important initiatives aimed at enhancing the capabilites of local entreprenurs and pomoting their competitveness. The awards programme tops these initiatives which ultimately seek to increase the participation of UAE nationals in the overall economic development"


1. Arab Bank ( GN Double spread)**

** This ad has already been posted before. It was a 3 full page campaign where in the first page it was just a plate saying GROW.... (where's that gone?.. have they reduced to two pages?)

2. NBD-HDFC Bank (GN Half Pg)*

* Where's the ad? The visual has not connected to the copy part. Normally for English reader, the eye movement is from left to right.. Or is it because, it was done in Arabic first and adapted to English.. (I doubt)

If that's the case...

HD: One bank for both your worlds

The Visuals of an interior of an Indian palace and thru the window you can see the UAE sityscape.

Copy: Comptele NRI banking solutions with NBD-HSBC bank NRI services.

4. RTA (GN 25x3)**

** Awareness ad.. should between 60 and 120.

5. Cadillac (GN Half Pg)*

HD: Sugar &Spice. Black and white. Romeo&Juliet. STC &SRK

* "STC & SRK".

6. Etisalat - Ahlan (GN Half pg)*

HD: Enjoy special ahlan offer for just AED 75!*

Ahlan- Visitor's mobile package

* The visual is of a lady passing the disc to his friend... she 'communicates'. People might take this just as a lifestyle scene without relating to -passing/sharing concept and there's no copy line to qualify the concept.

Eyes ..OFF at 12.30


22april2007 Sunday

Eyes were on the clock at 06:02

Details soon..



China's book industry is lagging behind: By Abdulla Al Madani,- An academic researcher and lecturer o Asian Affairs (Gulfnews Editorial)

"My article on India's huge book industry two weeks ago seems to have encouraged numerous readers to inquire about the other Asian giants book-publishing indusry....It is improtant to recognise that China, a country proud of its spledid cultural civilisation of more than 5,000 years and of being the nation that invented paper making and printing has achieved some advancement in book publishing and printing... in terns of exporting China exported nearly 2.5 million volumes of books in 204 in some 850,00 varieties and witha trading value os $11 million...According to a recent report, there are more than 4,000 underground publishing factories located in poor rural villages aroud the county and more than 2500 sales points all which are involved in printing and distributing pirated copes of books including those banned... most of these books are of poor print quality with many spelling mistakes and missing pages..But because they are sold at cheap prices................."


1. (a) Mohammed Bin Rashid Est. for young business leaders (GN FPG)***

HD: The UAE is Ranked 3rd in the world for its supportive entrepreneurial environment.


"The UAE... ranks number one on the number of established businesses that have over 75% of their customers overseas, showing a strong export orientation."

"As education levels increse..knowledge and skill level rating s for a country increase, whilst the fear of failure as an entrepreneur diminishes"

"Over 90%.. see the successful etrepreneur as holding a high status within the community"

"The stong fear of failure...is partly responsible fo the low intentions of launcing a start-up."

For you copy plese call 800763 or visit our website at www.sme.ae

1(b) Mangrove (GN 40x6col) ****

HD: This space is reserved

Copy: For rent, luxurious 4 and 5 bedroom villas wih private pool and by the sea. For enquiries and bookings, pls call

**** Attention guranteed!

2. Salik-RTA (GN Fpg)**

HD: Salik is coming

Copy: Salik: the new road toll system

The toll will apply on all vehicles crossing the toll points at the Garhoud bridge and on Sheikh Zayed road, near 4th interchange. The system will work using an electronic tag that deducts Dhs.4 from your account, every time you pass by.

for more information please visit www.salik.ae

Salik - So smooth, so salik

** Much awaited ad...! (From the nation's point of view, its inevitable for the growth. Also they have made cerain that normal people would not suffer as they have alternate routes to compesate)

3. Details soon..

4. Nakheel (Teaser)

HD: Shaped by experience


5. Arab Bank (GN - Fpg + centre spread)**

1st page: HD: Where?

2nd page HD: Where would you like to GROW?

Copy: Over 400 branches in 29 countries spanning 5 continents

(All countries listed in which UAE has been highlited)

*** Is that a visual of Plate in the first page..? (Please forward your comments)

6. Nikai (25x4 GN)**

HD: There may be a fridge in your Ac.

Copy: Scratch & Win

over 500 prizes instantly with any Nikai Air conditioner you buy: Split, Window or Portable.

** Humerous track without much elements to substantiate the creative.

Outdoor (Empty Spot..!) The Giordano hoarding (World without strangers) is gone.. waiting for the new creative.


21april2007 Satuday

Eyes were on the clock at 9.30

GulfNews daily

Modern lifestyle threatens epidemic of heart diseases..
1. Student-run Film Festival in Sharjah:
Pause & Play International Film Festival is scheduled from April 27 to 28 at the American University of Sharjah. It is the first Student-run internatinal film festival in the region. Audience can get a taste of an extremely original and brilliant selection of movies, produced and directed by artists from around the glob. The opening ceremony at 6:30pm will feature Pausin 'n' Playin - a documentary.


1. Etisalat (Half pg)***

HD: Free Data

Take advantage of 3 special Data Offers from Etisalat*

*** A different ad in which Headline was written with binary codes

2. O2 (GN Halfpg)**
HD: Send more messages with Xda Zinc
Copy: The new Xda Zinc with a slide-out QWERTY keyboard makes sendig and receiving message faster and easier. With its built-in Wireless LAN and Intel Xscale PXA 270 Processor running at 529MHz....
See what you can do.
**. A nice concept.. Neverthlesss, they named their keyboard QWERTY, which taken from the first row of letters of keyboard. Also, they made use of this ad to congratulate Sharaf DG on the opening of their Deria City Centre outlet..

3. Cellucome - Motorola (GN 40x6)**
Spontaneous effortless vibrant inspired
Copy: Slide into a new style with MOTOrizer Z3. Indulge your sernses with the soft touch finish, the clarity of the 2 mega pixel camera and the suprior sound quality of the integrated music player.
The Cllucom Trade-in Bonanza
Enjoy the best exchange prices and a wide choice of the latest phones, plus Regional Warranty, Insurance and Buy-back gurarantee too.
Hury - it's for a limited period only!

** Good visual-one eye spark;les, though not explaining fully in the ad..leaving that to the viewer.. before come to the line "spontaneous, effortless, vibrant and inspired"... brilliant!

details soon...