1. Radio ads turn me radio ga ga.. (7days daily)
What is it about adverts on Dubai radio that makes listeners want to scream and swithc straight off?
...our air wves are particlarly jammed with irritating adverts...mind destroying advertisments
"...most radio ads are terrible, I personally feel the scripts I read very annoying. They always want ot use sttupid fake accents and have some unrealistic dialogue goin on between two people. Woman in the ads do nothing but shop or tell their husbands about a shop or a mall. It all just mekees you want to change channels" -A voice over artist.
"..when certain ads come on the radio, I can barely stand to listen to them.."
Tim, a creative working at a top ad agency in dubai argue for his sake, by comparing it to the world radio scenario, but admits the fact, saying "whoever writes these ads, please don't insult our intelligence"
"Radio is not as sexy as TV, it doesn't have the same power to captivate an audience... some of the Dubai DJs are so ill-informed that I'd rather listen to the music and sprinkling of ads than have to put up with these people reading off press released or giving us the benifits of their wisdom. ... I just get angry listening to the rubbish these people are paid to spout
(I remember a radio ad done by JWT, Dubi on Banana brand, Chiquita. It is a swaying lines na na and get repeated to make feel as if it's banaana.. (Do Sing along).
2. Air Arabia IPO hits3.7billion... the Initial Public Offering of Ari Arabia has attracted close to 40,00 suscribers and was 1.5 times oversubscribed... largest in te UAE
Headline: Get ready to Shift.
Body Copy: Pre-built Units at International Media Production Zone. All you have to do is move in.
A specialised free zone dedicated to the graphic art, publishing and packaging industris, IMPZ gives you a range of pre-built showrooms and multi-use warehouse to choose from...
**** The visual is of a colour separation sample where the colour (CMYK) registrations of the headline, have been shifted.... good concept.
2. Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority
*** I afraid this ad would clash visually with other property ads. It has got a fantastic and impressive headline...that's enough, for the buyer they are looking at. He doesnt' have to read the body copy.
20 mins from Jebel Ali Airport
15 mins from Dubai International Airport
10 mins from the central business district.
1.5 mins from your daughter..
As optimist, we're simply happy to ask you to\
"read between lines"
Body copy
Buying a car can be depressing at times. A pessimist's line might be to for-\
get the deal that requires no down payment and no payment for 6 months,
while a cynic's line might refute the idea of finding a car offerning bene-\
fit-your-budget finance rates, no salary transfer or spnsor stipulation.
**** Nice creative. seems it's for award. and sure it would fetch that.
Here in the copy above, I used '\' to mark the line where all it gets broken, since allignment is boxset. I only wish it was a full page ad (may be it's just an insertion for an award entry, who knows?)

3. ****HSBC ad
6 p_rc_nt
(you only get it with e)
Bodycopy: Looking for higher interest with easy access? at 6% per annum, eSaer is the first online account to bring you much higer returns than a regular saving account. And your money is only a mouse-click away...
**** Nice and innovative. The creative brain behind would either be a scientist or a psychologist.

What's in thier mind?
a) Did they try to personify the vehicle and its coolest nature, even on rough offroads, by placing it on air, symbolic with an imagery of a woman on meditation? (if that's the case.. I would give 5/10 marks, 'coz I think, people mostly long for 4x4 vehicle with a persona getting even with their passion.. there's difference between riding on horse and a donkey)
b) If they relate the woman, to the driver, again it goes wild. The state of mind of the driver bashing dunes would be entirely different... He would be in a rocking mood.
1. Sheikh Zaayed Road: Brand: Pokka (soft drinks and juices) there are 6 different visuals in a row...
(Summer is about to start.)
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