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Film Spidey man exhausted (GN)
Director Sam Raimi is fatigued and wants to 'get away' - But do audiences feel the same way?
..Advance reviews are good, adcance ticket sales are strong and days before its debut, Spiderman 3 is grabbing headlines areound the world, but director Sam Raimi says he can't think of more Spidey movies..."I'm exhausted, ad I need to get away from it for a while," ...spidey maes it global debut on May 4 (May 2 in UAE)...
To combat sequel fatigue, Raimi said he infused Spider-man 3 with a "brand new energy" to create tension between the three main characters, Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire), his girl friend Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) and his best friend and sometimes adversary Harry Osborn (James Fanco)

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