(Due to some technical problems, tuesday's details could not post yesterday. It will be done by wednesday evening, 18april 2007)
Rattling thru Gulf News...
1. Bloggers' column in Gulf News:
2. Photographic Exhibition being held in Dubai. http://www.photoworld-dubai.com
1. Fono- Sony Ericsson**
HD: I 'luv' stylish music
Copy: Music now comes in a new look...
What happens when the retail company and a brand joined together to do an ad? adverse effect here.. Fono wants to add it's bright green along with Sony ericsson's orange; as a result an ad was generated with insoluble colours-green and red. In a way Fono is right, otherwise if they use only the brand colour, it might look like their competitor's ad...right?
2. Omniyat Proerties *** (Full page ad)
HD: My apartment downloads my favourite movies
iEntertainment @ The Pad - the most technologically advanced building in the world.
Staying at the Pad is like coming home to the stars everyday. iEntertaintment at The Pad turns every room into a concert hall. As a resident you will ave access to a central server and cn take your pick from an extensive collectio of music, karaoke and videos. Superior soud enhancement and life-size projections will bring them to life on our walls and right across your home.
The Pad is the home of the future as conceived by Omniyat Properties to meet the lifestyle demands of today's young executive. iFeatures at The Pad will give you a lifestyle that's most comfortale, conveient and futuristic. Technology built into The PAd will save you time, money and worry. It will holistically cover all our needs from staying connected and in touch to being healthy and enertained.
You can enjoy this exciting new lifestyle in your studio, 1 or 2 bedrom apartment or loft at The Pad. Finance is available through.
To life the utre at the world's most advanced buildin or for more details, call...
Omniyat Properties - Live the futre.
*** Omniyat has created an identity with its visual and perspectivess.. The brand recognition at a glance.. and postioned on top.
3. Lacnor Tomato Paste ** (Half Page ad)
HD: Presenting the perfect ingredient for quality cooking
Copy: New stylish pack . Thick and rich in taste.
** Rich look.. Photography could have been better.. the vegetables are not cleaned properly. Expect this on outdoor in the offing

4. *** This ad has been running for more than 3 weeks... different

5. Another teaser full page

Details will be posted soon.....
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