Details will be posted soon
HD: Sun poised to light up Tecom's real estate projects (GulfNews)
Tecom Investment is considering making a foray into solar energy to furnish electricity to its real estate projects, a top official said yesterday..
* The amazing factor here is,when UAE's electricity is oil based, and it's self-sufficient, they are thinking not to waste what they have and to make use of the sun light.... great!
Readers' column (Gulf News)
Free Publicity: The Gere-Shiplpa incident appears as though they both have rehearsed it well in advance. It is a publicity stunt! by Ms Claude, AUH
Advertising: 1. Home Centre: (e+ Magazine)***
HD: Fashion for your home.
Baseline: The complete home experience.
*** Home centre ads always tend to personify its products.. good concept, They have taken curtain cloth and a wooden stand..minimal colours, photography could have been better.. good retouching,
2. Samsung LCD TV ( GN FPage)***
HD: Imagine a revolutionary black screen designed to enhance beauty
Copy: Imagine the new Samsung Full HD LCD TV that allows you to experience the latest innovations i ul HD. Its revolutionary super clear panel give syou blacker blacks wihich means richer, truer color fo an unrivaled TV experience. With the uncompramising design and technlogy of the new Samsung Full HD LCD TV, it's not that hard to imagine.. to learn more, visit
*** Normally most of the LCD TV ads are of reality based imageries..kind of make beliefs... This ad also of the same category but I like the execution and a twist given to the most abused visual route, which makes it a different ad... atleast a relief for a while... good.
3. Areej - Beauty Extravaganza(GN-F pg)*
HD: A stroke of beauty
Copy: Over 90 exclusive offers.
All offers exclusive to Areej. Certain brands are avaiabe at selected stores only. Offers valid from 19 to 10 May 2007 or while stores last.
*Is this ad appealing? when we consider the socio-psychographic elements of the region. But I like the 'Beauty extravaganza' unit.
HD: I see my family in London everyday.
* This ad doesnt go with earlier imageris of the same campaign.. which were fabulous.. Also there's small a mistake in the art direction. She is looking straight and caress the boy of the family as all of them coming off the ball. But the ball is not in the same line .. and the boy is not on the right side.. wrong angle.
4. (b) Dunhill (GN Hpg)**
Limited Edition pack
** Earlier ad was of Red. This is much nicer and detailed.
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