Today is Vishu..
Vishu is one of the important festivals of Kerala. It comes in the month of April usually on the 14th, but this year it's on 15th, today. According to the traditional Malayalam calendar, it is the 1st day of Malayalam month Medam which is the astronomical New Year. Traditional rituals are followed to bring in another year of prosperity.
'Kani-Kanal' is the main event of the day. The night before Vishu, the mistress of the house prepare the Kani. In a big pot, coconuts, a gold ornament, a new cloth, fruits, cereals and Konna (cassia fistula) flower is kept. Behind the pot a mirror and the garlanded deity of Krishna is kept. Around the deity, lighted lamps will be arranged. Early morning on the Vishu day, the master of the house sees the Kani and then the rest of the family follows. Children's are brought blind folded from their beds to where the Kani is kept. The elder in the family give money to the youngsters (Vishu kaineetam) and bless them. It is believed that the Kani we see and its good tidings will stay with you till the year ends. In Kerala, the Kani in the temples of Guruvayur, Ambalapuzha and Sabarimala are famous. Special pujas are held in these temples where the people go to worship and pray for a prosperous New Year.
The families then celebrate the day with joyous abandon by bursting fire crackers. The feast or the 'sadya' is prepared by the women of the household and the whole family sits down to enjoy the vishu lunch together.
___________________I Wish you all a happy Vishu.
details soon...
Business: Arabs may spend $20b on global real estate in 2007:
Arab inverstors could spend $20b acquiring global real estate this year, an increase of more than 60 per cent on 2006, a leading property market expert said.... Compared with 2005, there was a decline in the flow of funds into the US market... partly it is in reaction to the atmosphere surrounding the afermath of 9/11... On a per capita basis, there is no greater region other than the Gulf providing capital to real estate in the world.
1. Albarari (Gulfnews wrap with a quote of Khalil Jibran)****
1st page: "The sun gathered up her skirts... leaving the green gardens to the subtle light pouring from the smoon"-Khalil Jibran
inside: Al Barari... "It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary." - Paulo Coetho
Al Baraari ...passionfor life.
HD: For amzing rewards, 'Just Dip the Chip!'
Copy: There is more to the incredible new ADCB 'Chip' Credit card than meets the eye. Every new ADCB 'chip Credit card comes with a generous new high-tech 'chip' that gives you perosnalised rewards at hundreds of selected shops, restaurants and other outlets.....
ADCB - Our Vision. Your Future.
*** This ad has been running for long... but with it's innovative style of thinking.. the mind patterns that eventually cracked the idea ..all that makes this ad something special. But the layout and execution could have been better..

3. Bridgestone***
HD: (Formula1 Fact) In the time it takes you to finish reading this heaadline, a well-practiced pit crew can change all foru Bridgestone tyres on a Formula 1 car.
That was about 10 seconds, now try reading it faster.
*** This is in connection with Bahrain F1 which flags off today. The ad gives the momentom... easily register in the minds of people about the speed and acceleration, by making them read faster.

100 years - Limited edition pack
Copy: To celebrate out 100th Anniversay, the House of DUNHIL ofers you our colourfully signed Limited Edition packs - with exactly the same blend, taste and range that you used to. Our current range of distingtive tastes is the latest of over 33,000 personalised tobacco blends created by the House of DUNHILL for our clients since 1907
DUNHILL - Perfectionists in tobacco.
* It printed on a standard News print, which somehow failed to deliver the impact.
eyes...OFF at 12.30
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