1. UAE ranked 22nd largest exporter.
2. Nestle buys Gerber
...Nestle SA wil buy US based food giant Gerber from Novartis for $5.5 billion in cash, becoming the world' biggest food company.
Camel + Ilama = Cama (Gulf News weekend pg 31) by Rania Habib
Dubai Camel Reproduction Centre 'is narrowing the gene pool to produce better animals'
Dr. Lulu Skidmore ( Scientific Drector) .. "I think camesl are fascinating for their biological adaptation to the cliate and it's exciting to learn about them"... After obtaingn a degree in animal science from Londo Unicity and a phD in camel resproduction from Cambridge, Dr. Skidmore was asked to head the centre....The cntre specialises in camel reproduction, artificial insemination, hybrid breeding, embryo transferes and semen freezing. Dr ad the team at the camel centre are currently woring on embryo splitting, to produce identical twins, and embryo transer fo racing cames.... we are narowing the gene pool, and just producing better animals. Scientists have done this with cattle to produce better meat and better milk. We're not doing anything too wierd, it's just assisted reproduction
1. Today Gulfnews came with wrap of Revital, a vitalising medcine from Rambaxy.
HD: The Axe Effect.
Deodorant for men.
**** Freedom 'sharpens' creativity... Great.
(This ad of Axe has been selected by Communicate Magazine for their research based article titled as " Misters are doing it for themselves". The Middle East has the potential to become a hot-bed of metrsexuality, research shows. But male grooming brands have failed to overcome Arab consumers' fear of emarrassment.)
3. Thierry Mugler - Ice Men *****
Apart from the visual beauty, is there anything special for this ad? Yes, It's been written as a key-number at the right bottom-The photographer: Thierry Mugler - the brand(man) itself.
Ariel ***** (appeared in Communicate Magazine)
Satchi & Satchi, Dubai, which handles Practer & Gamble's Ariel in Middle East and North Africa, ran this "Super Soft" outdoor ad as 10 special billboards n Morocco.
***** I wish I had done this... great concept for an outdoor.
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