
09august2007thursday (eyes...ON)

Eyes were on the clock at 06:02

Advertising UAE:
Details will be posted soon...

Advertising International:

Advertising Agency: DeVito/Verdi, NYC, USA
Creative Director: Sal DeVito
Art Director: Manny Santos
Copywriter: John DeVito
Photography: stock
Published: NY Times Magazine October 2006

How the Creative Heads reacted to the above 3-ad-campaign:
1." Yes. One of the very first ads in the campaign a couple of years ago. Copy talked about a hearing device implant surgery for a little deaf girl who flew all the way from Romania for the operation. I still pretty much remember the copy word for word. Made such an impact on me."
2. "the lines are ok. but the art direction looks pretty dated."
3. "You don't change art direction on something thats tried and better than what's in your book."
4. "Good copy. Would have tried reverese body in a black band meself.
The dated A/D seems to work on these. "Footprints in the sand..." == Bring back fags, lard and the biff."
5. Have your say.... (shajizone@gmail.com_

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